knowlege Academy

Project Info:

Knowledge academy is an institution that provides educational courses related to the Egyptian schooling system by providing a platform for teachers to schedule lectures for students in the different subjects that they take in school. During the Corona Pandemic, the client needed to transform the private lessons taken in private educational institutions from being face-to-face to online. So this solution was offered as a way for them to automate their flow in a way that made it easier for them to set lecture times and schedules of each subject and an easy way to create exams and quizzes for students. The system allows students to view the lecture schedules of each subject that they take in the system, see the scores of their exams and quizzes as well as be able to get back to any material they missed in previous lectures. The system also allowed teachers and students to directly go to Zoom Meeting window with a click of a button. Zoom is also used to record student attendance in the system automatically without any manual interference and record and store lectures. We were able to create a tool that allows users to create questions and generate quizzes and exams of randomized questions according to a set of criteria set by users. If you would like a closer look at the system feel free to visit the website
Open Imagination
  • Skills: JQuery   Laravel   MySQL   PHP  
  • Category: Software Solutions

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