School Management System

Project Info:

The Egyptian Ministry of Education has the obligation to oversee the attendance of students all over the country. The number of schools in Egypt is approximately 48459. Each governorate is divided into several administrations, and each administration contains a number of schools. Each school has to report the attendance status for all its students monthly.This led to a large amount of administrative work leading to:

• A massive amount of time and effort exhausted, as this process was done manually usually by several people in each school
• Lots of errors and inaccuracies because the reports were done using primitive pen and paper methods.
• Extra load on the administration to review and supervise reports.

We created a paperless solution where all schools and administrations reported into one system with transparency. Effort done in these functions were reduced by more than 80%

Open Imagination
  • Skills: JQuery   Laravel   PHP  
  • Category: Software Solutions

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