
Project Info:

This solution was developed for the internal use of our translation team to help them keep track of the different translation projects as they have different projects that they work on simultaneously and they need to keep track of each project and assign the different tasks of each project to different translators. They also needed to keep track of the external translation services vendors that they outsource to some of the tasks coming from clients all over the world. In support of the project management tool, the system also includes a vendor management module that allows different vendors to sign-up and offer their services to the company through a complete process that allows the vendors to determine the services they provide as well as the the prices of each of these services. The challenge in developing a system like that is how to offer the vendor and project managers a workflow that is user friendly, saves time in delivering each project, and offers real-time data for upper management to keep track of the performance of each member of the project team. The system also helps project managers to choose from a pool of service providers the most suitable provider to carry out the tasks required in each project. It also includes a financial module that helps accountants keep track of payments coming from clients and going to vendors and keep track of different invoices and payments.
Open Imagination
  • Skills: JQuery   Laravel   MySQL   PHP  
  • Category: Software Solutions

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