Project Planner

Project Info:

This solution was designed for internal use by Arabic Localizer which is a provider of different and various solutions. The company consists of teams that operate differently according to the type of solution each is serving. An environment that poses an obligation of different rules and regulations on projects management. This type of diversity makes the company involved in several projects of different natures. The problem lies in having all the projects governed and organized in a system that adheres to the regulations of Project Time Management. Still, this has to make room for customization regarding each team and its system. The basic need is providing the project manager with a tool that gives him/her a bird's-eye-view of how the project flows.

The solution we created was provide a powerful and versatile tool that the project managers of each division could use to manage their projects effectively and efficiently.


Open Imagination
  • Skills: JQuery   Laravel   PHP  
  • Category: Software Solutions

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