Customized Software Solutions

Made Simple

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We Provide Amazing Solutions


Our consultants work with you to fully understand your organizational and various stakeholder needs through face-to-face meetings
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We deliver high quality user interfaces with a focus on usability enhancing overall user experience...
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Mobile devices are currently being used more and more worldwide as a replacement for traditional PCs...
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System Integration delivers a range of clear cut benefits by introducing automation which will increase efficiency...
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Internet literacy and connectivity has been increasing at an exponential rate worldwide. This has made having...
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Our consultants work with you to fully understand your organizational and various stakeholder needs through face-to-face meetings
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Why Software Solutions?

Tracking and following through with these workflows is based heavily on human resources which are prone to inaccuracies, long processing times, and decreased transparency. We meet with your team, under- stand the intricacies of your internal workflows, your needs, and your objectives. We then propose automat- ed web based solutions that will help you save time and money and get the most out of your information and employees.

Why Custom?

While many over-the-shelf products might promise the world, companies usually discover that not only are these applications very expensive to purchase and support, they usually will not function in the way they need without costly customization. At Qurtoba Solutions, we don’t just create custom software, we build solutions to your business problems. We will work collaboratively with you, from analysis and consultancy, through to the design, development and delivery of your custom software solution.

Why Web?

Web Based products are also excellent for the needs of business intelligence, data backups and data consolidation; since all of your data is stored and secure online in one place. This decreases the risk of losing important data or the need to continuously migrate data from individual devices to store in one database. Also maintaining and upgrading web solutions is much easier since it is done in one place and changes apply throughout all user devices.

Our Engagement strategy

Understanding Your Business

At Qurtoba Solutions we begin every relationship with a broad discussion about the short and long-term desires for your project. We take into consideration the needs and desires of your various stakeholders as we flesh out the scope of the project. We don’t just take your require-ments and build you a solution.

We work with your team to develop a strategy in order to identify key metrics of success and ensure your desired solution will hit those performance goals you seek, and deliver a solid return on investment.

Requirement Elicitation and Analysis

Once we establish a strategy and set goals it’s important to find out about your business in depth. We’ll analyze the market, perform user interviews, review analytics, and distill the data into user stories and help you decide what steps to take next.

Our analysts will then gather your product’s specific requirements, (see Requirement Gathering above) consider the most favorable project options for your business objectives, and propose the optimal procedural solution based on these requirements

Our analysts will review any hidden requirements and your existing codebase, if you have one. When we know your goals and understand existing software, we are able to better ensure the success of the project before we even write our first line of code.

The level of detail for these deliverables are based on the approaches we agree upon with the client; basically Waterfall or Agile (described below).

Proposal, Approach and Planning

After understanding your requirements and needs, Qurtoba Solutions works together with your organization to devise a development plan that is in accordance with your goals, your timeline and your operating budget. We work under the assumption that most businesses will evolve and change, so we design your software solutions to be scalable and flexible for easy adaptation down the road.

We have two main approaches that we propose based on the project scope, budget, nature, and client preference as follows:

The Waterfall Approach:

The waterfall approach is a methodology in which all parts of the product development plan and testing are well defined and follow a strict schedule from the get go and there is limited room for requirement changes along the way. In this approach our analysts document the requirements more extensively at the beginning of the project to make sure that everything is clarified and agreed upon before actual development. This approach is great in successfully managing projects that are relatively small in scope or duration, with all functional and nonfunctional requirements defined in sufficient detail before any code is written.
When using the waterfall approach we design all aspects of the project plan for the final project before starting the projects

The Agile Approach:

Agile development is a highly flexible, iterative, and incremental software development methodology designed to build products faster. Agile development uses short time-boxed development cycles each resulting in usable software.
Our Agile approach is based on close interaction between our business analysts, our development team, and our client’s representative. We design a concrete plan for each iteration including development, testing, and delivery. We rely on constant communication to formalize requirements for each subsequent cycle and discuss the progress of each ongoing cycle.

We prefer to use the Agile approach when the following are required in a project:

  • A quick start
  • Flexibility in scope (usually needed in larger projects)
  • Transparency and Predictability
  • Constant feedback from stakeholders
  • Uncertainty as to the exact vision of the requirements of the final product

In either scenario, if the requirements change during the design process, we will update the project costs. We work with the customer to achieve the best balance between cost and system functionality.

Development and Progress Tracking

In this phase our development team starts working on your system while our project manager keeps you updated on progress on a bi-weekly basis. We believe strongly in involving the customer throughout the project. For online systems we have a test version online at all times. For standalone software we send you regular new versions for you to try.

You can rest assured that our team leaders will stay on top of your project’s progress, adjusting our processes in a feedback loop as we manage the software development, its configuration and any changes to your requirements.

Our code is created with a focus on quality, simplicity and ease of maintainability. Frequent code reviews and code refactoring helps us keep this focus. You can always be confident that we will make your software solution evolve smoothly along with your business.